We have implemented very simple web service and now it's giving
constantly HTTP 500 when it tries to fetch ~400 items from Datastore.
The error is <class 'google.appengine.runtime.DeadlineExceededError'>

We have only Two models and the queries are following:

city = City.all().filter('name =', city).get()
cities = City.all().order('name')
Place = Place.gql("WHERE city = KEY('City', :1) ORDER BY name",
city.key().id() )

After that we just put the page to template and memcache it.

There's about 400 cities, only 3000 Places, indexes are in place, and
the biggest city has 700 places currently. We get this error also
starting with ~400 places.

We're using Django 1.2 (not zipped) and SDK 1.3.5.

Any comments?

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