Sorry to re-iterate this email. Please kindly to see if someone from Google
can answer. Thanks in advanced

Best Regards,
Eric Ng

On 13 August 2010 14:33, Eric Ka Ka Ng <> wrote:

> Hi,
> It was known that the original quota of number of indexes, 100 for
> billing-disabled app, and 200 for billing-enabled app, are quite
> limiting for some types of applications, and such restriction is not
> extendable even we as users want to pay for it. This really posts
> difficulties, technical challenges, and limitations when we were
> designing and implementing applications on GAE.
> Starting from about last month, we notice that the quota for our
> billing-enabled app raised to 300! This is REALLY a great news for us,
> and expanded lots of possibilities to us (although ideally we hope #
> of indexes can be 'pay as you need'  attributes, at least extending
> 100 more to us is good) Therefore, we started to plan and expand our
> features to utilize the extra 100 indexes.
> However, suddenly we find that the no. of indexes suddenly drop back
> to 200! This would be a nightmare for us as some of our new features
> would already need the 200+th indexes....
> Could someone from Google or other users having similar experiences
> explains this? Although I understand Google may never officially
> announce that number of indexes for billing-enabled app would be
> increased to 300. we did find this change in our app admin console
> quota page before and we didn't expect it would suddenly drop back.
> Please kindly help to see if it could be possible to keep them to 300,
> even we need to pay extra for such option.
> Best Regards,
> Eric Ng

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