Hi, thanks both.

I am using Java api and i try the questions and i get the results that
you said to me.

I am really affraid to make a model with the present requirements, and
that the client in six months want to make really big changes.

On 6 sep, 13:58, Tim Hoffman <zutes...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> You might like to say if you are using python or java, that way
> examples can be relevent to your choice.
> > DOUBT 1: What happens, if i make a change to the User class and, for
> > example, i add to the class the property sex (String). Then i deploy
> > my app again in the appengine.
> > Now i create a new user with this values username = "mcculloch",
> > password = "mc123" and sex = "M" and persist the user.
> > I think that if i make the query to get all the useri will get the 2
> > users, and the property sex to the user "ian" will be null. Is that
> > correct?
> Yes.
> > DOUBT 2: Now i realize that i don't want to store the sex of the user,
> > and also i think that i don't want the id property as an integer. Now
> > i want that the username will be the key of the class, so i remove the
> > id property and add the annotation to make the username property the
> > Primary Key of the entity.
> > Then i deploy the app on appengine, create a new user with this
> > values: username = "eric", password = "eric123".
> > What does happen now i query all the users, will i get the two users?
> Ok a bunch of stuff going on here.
> You refer to the primary key, do you mean as per SQL or some aspect of
> a  java api.
> In the underlying datastore terms the key of entity once created is
> fixed.
> You would have to copy the original entity and delete the old one to
> change the key.
> As to the sex property.  (I will start using python behaviour) you can
> drop the sex property definition from the
> entity but the value assigned to the Sex property will still exist in
> entities that had the value set.
> If you change the type of a property then you will need to fetch the
> old entity and update the value of the property to the type the model
> expects.  This may require you to manipulate the underlying raw
> datastore entity or create a transition class to help you migrate the
> schema (i prefer the former).
> if not you will get errors when you retrieve entities with a mis-
> matched entity definition.
> If you fetch all uses User.all().fetch(n) you will get all users added
> assuming you have fixed above.
> > DOUBT 3: Let's say that i realize that i really need the sex property
> > for the users, so i add again the sex property to the User class and
> > deploy again to the datastore.
> > If i query for all the users? What datastore will return to me? All
> > the users? Only those that the sex is not null?
> All users will be returned, and some will still have a value for sex.
> You can't do a not null query unless you have actually stored None
> (python) in a property.  (More specifically you can't query for
> entities that have not had a property value set).
> > DOUBT 4: Finally, what happens if i want to have 2 enviroments of my
> > app? I have to create 2 apps on appengine? If this is the way, let's
> > supose that in my production enviroment i have a lot of data and i
> > want to make a copy of that data to my testing app so i can make
> > testing with good data. Can i copy that data from one app to another?
> > How could i?
> Seehttp://code.google.com/appengine/docs/python/tools/uploadingdata.html
> T

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