Disclaimer: i am very new on GAE/J

I have a single persistent object class (10 fields of type int/String/
date) for which i removed indexing on all fields except the PK which
is a string (these objects are around 60 bytes if serialized in
protobuf so pretty small).

Now i run into a request timeout issue trying to delete all objects
(around 1000) in the db:

        PersistenceManager pm = PMF.get().getPersistenceManager();
        String query = "select from " + SomeJDO.class.getName();

I get timeout report for the request and the log gives: 30915ms
31202cpu_ms 19302api_cpu_ms.

My project is no more than a toy application and a deleting 1000
vanilla rows does not seem much even on a desktop database.

What am i doing wrong?

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