RESULTS = QUERY.fetch(10)
RESULTS.sort(key=lambda x: x.mDATE.toordinal() * x.mCOUNT)

What is a "list of model instances?
You can start by learning some basic python. Read the tutorial on the website, or in the help file (on windows platform)

2010/11/10 Zeynel <>:
> Can someone help me understand how to access the results of a query?
> This is my model:
> class Rep(db.Model):
>    mAUTHOR = db.UserProperty(auto_current_user=True)
>    mUNIQUE = db.StringProperty()
>    mCOUNT = db.IntegerProperty()
>    mDATE = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now=True)
>    mDATE0 = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
>    mWEIGHT = db.IntegerProperty()
> The app has a textarea form and user submits repetitions. mCOUNT is
> the number of repetitions. I use this query to display top ten reps:
> QUERY = Rep.all()
> QUERY.filter("mAUTHOR =", user)
> QUERY.order("-mCOUNT")
> RESULTS = QUERY.fetch(10)
> I display the results with Mako template:
> % for result in RESULTS:
> <p>${result.mUNIQUE} (${result.mCOUNT})</p>
> % endfor
> Instead of sorting by mCOUNT I want to sort by mWEIGHT so that an old
> item with high count should be lower than a new item with lower count.
> But the precise weighing formula is not important at this point. For
> instance, it may be
> What I do not understand is, how do I access mDATE and mCOUNT to put
> them in the formula? I am having difficulty, in general, visualizing
> the result of a query. The tutorial
> says that the query returns "the requested results as a list of model
> instances." What is a "list of model instances?" And how to access
> them as a variables in this context. Thanks for your help.
> --
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