yes, incredible savings.  Need to include a version number or hash tag
in the URL
   to ensure that new versions get pushed in sync.  An example:

I'm working on the next level, which is enable cache-control for the
HTML itself,
   i.e. render the page and then make AJAX calls to fetch the dynamic
   and detect out-of-date HTML using the AJAX calls.  My lead eng
thinks I'm
   psycho and I probably am.  We're starting with cache-control:
private on that
   stuff, but if I can resolve the issues with proxies serving cached
data during
   javascript:window.reload(true), then we'll go public FTW.

wish me luck (we went live with the private version yesterday),

On Dec 7, 10:07 am, Erik <> wrote:
> Hi Gonzo,
> If you have a lot of authenticated users the difference you are seeing
> is probably in the cached authenticated requests.
> From
> > My pages are password-protected; how do proxy caches deal with them?
> > By default, pages protected with HTTP authentication are considered 
> > private; they will not be kept by shared caches. However, you can make 
> > authenticated pages public with a Cache-Control: public header; HTTP 
> > 1.1-compliant caches will then allow them to be cached.
> > If you’d like such pages to be cacheable, but still authenticated for every 
> > user, combine the Cache-Control: public and no-cache headers. This tells 
> > the cache that it must submit the new client’s authentication information 
> > to the origin server before releasing the representation from the cache. 
> > This would look like:
> > Cache-Control: public, no-cache
> > Whether or not this is done, it’s best to minimize use of authentication; 
> > for example, if your images are not sensitive, put them in a separate 
> > directory and configure your server not to force authentication for it. 
> > That way, those images will be naturally cacheable.
> On Dec 6, 4:19 pm, GONZO <> wrote:
> > Hi, first thanks for your attention and sorry for my English
> > translation.
> > I have a question that intrigues me a few weeks. This is the header
> > "cache-control" in particular the behavior of the options "private"
> > and "public" in Google App Engine.
> > First of all, this is only to serve static files (css, js, etc)
> > Let's go. With "cache-control: private" experiment curve normal
> > traffic. But with "cache-control: public" experiment Traffic
> > incredible savings. In both cases, everything seems to work well.
> > The question is:
> > 1. How can traffic be a big savings? Is reduced to 15%.
> > 2. Saving you a real traffic? Or is something special instead of
> > Google App Engine?
> > Better look at this diagram 
> > illustrates:
> > Thanks in advance, I hope to be clarified.

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