I am looking for an easier tutorial about to get documents list from a
Google Docs account.
What I can find are:

Google Documents List Data API v3.0

OAuth in the Google Data Protocol Client Libraries

It's frustrated, that the above two documents do not provide a workable
example to follow.
The #1 reads that there are 3 methods to authenticate , but as stupid as I
failed to figure out the right way to do it correctly. Then, I turned to #2.

The #2 reads great and easier to follow than #2 (from a beginner's point of
Until the last section: "Using an access token". They seem to be written by
different persons.
There is no "bridge" between that section and others,
I have difficulty to follow and failed to make my script to work.

It would be appreciated if anybody kindly provides a document
with more complete example to follow.
(I have searched Nick's blog , nothing found)

Thanks in advance.

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