Thanks Calvin and Robert (as always).

Calvin: I initially did my puts() in the handler. Easy and clean as
you suggest until your put that normally takes 200ms is hit by a
series of 503s because of infrastructure issues Google controls (not

Think of your client's put() as your customer's head, and the 503 as
the brick wall. You can beat the head against the wall handling all
the various scenarios via dialogs. That's an option yes, but my
customers are not technically inclined, and will be unhappy. Also, you
**cannot** assume this write will happen. Very, very likely the
frustrated customer closes her browser window. Then you're SOL.

My option using the task queue was to simply send the put there, and
give the client the means to verify its occurrence. If the
infrastructure is thrashing away with 503s, then the client can easily
determine that the customer needs a nice dialog saying she will be
apprised via email when the record is written.

I'm happy: record is not lost. Customer is happy: she has an
assurance, and is free to get on with her life.

Conclusion: it is becoming apparent to me that GAE cannot provide the
means for a developer to ensure a record is written. To minimize risk,
I am now setting up a high replication handler writing to db class
that has the least possible number of indices. AND, I get to set up
all those client dialogs.

So, so much easier if there would be one task queue were I could send
the transaction data from my client's post, and take advantage of all
the benefits of the TQ.

Sorry for the rant-like tone -- too little sleep last few days.

>   Instead could catch timeout, contention, or similar exceptions and
> retry the put.  You might also wan to set an limit on the RPC timeout
> so that you'll have time to retry the write at least once within the
> 30 second request limit.   If you still get an error after some number
> of retries, notify the client.

> What I'm not understanding from the original question is why can't you do
> the put in the request handler?  That way if there is a failure (and there
> will always be occasional failures) you can catch the exception and return
> an error to the client.

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