How to upload date/time csv data in google app engine with bulkloader
tool ?

For example, I uploaded a csv file:
2011-03-22 10:10:21.812274,abacus,abaque

but in the datastore viewer I have a <null> type & value loaded into
date column:
 ID/name     date    tag     value
 id=13108 <null>   abacus    abaque

My bulkloader.yaml looks like:

- import: base64
- import: re
- import: google.appengine.ext.bulkload.transform
- import: google.appengine.ext.bulkload.bulkloader_wizard
- import: google.appengine.ext.db
- import: google.appengine.api.datastore
- import: google.appengine.api.users

- kind: StoredData
connector: csv


- property: date
external_name: date

# Type: Date/Time Stats: 11 properties of this type in this kind.
import_transform: transform.import_date_time('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
export_transform: transform.export_date_time('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')

- property: tag
external_name: tag
# Type: String Stats: 11 properties of this type in this kind.

- property: value
external_name: value
# Type: String Stats: 11 properties of this type in this kind.

=> How to upload date/time value from my csv file ?

In fact, I don't mind if it is an auto generated date/time when

Many thanks in advance.

Philippe R

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