PS: I'm also worried about all the extra code I'm going to have to
write to deal with the fact that the datastore may be inconsistant at

On Apr 7, 9:50 pm, Kyle Mulka <> wrote:
> On Apr 7, 10:20 am, "Ikai Lan (Google)" <> wrote:
> > Yes, we'd love to do that at some point in the future - pick a general area
> > where your apps would exist, and we'd run them from those nodes. I suspect
> > that if we ever did this feature and you wanted to move to a new cluster,
> > that you would have to run the datastore migration tool (similar to what it
> > would take to move from MS -> HR), and if you're going to do this, why not
> > just move to high replication?
> I'm not that worried about running the migration tool. Should I be?
> I'm worried about the eventual consistency model of the high
> replication datastore. I want a user of our app to be able to create
> an object in the datastore and then be able to read it right away.
> --
> Kyle Mulka
> Co-Founder, DealSavant

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