This appears to have been an issue in March and then it just went
away. It is back now:

Is anyone else having an issue where large (> 4MB) images
inconsistently fail to transform using the images API?

My snipped of code (which has been working perfectly with images up to
20MB before last week) is;

def loadImage(image_data=None, blob_key=None):
    image = images.Image(image_data=image_data, blob_key=blob_key)
    image =
    return image

I always call this function using a blob_key and the part that is
throwing the exception is the "image.execute_transforms()" function.
It does not seem to matter whether I give it a JPG or a PNG.

The traceback:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/base/data/home/apps/s~mediacooler-app/1-28.350162602241030413/
article/", line 39, in post
    img = article.funcs.loadImage(blob_key=str(blob_info.key()))
  File "/base/data/home/apps/s~mediacooler-app/1-28.350162602241030413/
article/", line 213, in loadImage
    image =
  File "/base/python_runtime/python_lib/versions/1/google/appengine/
api/images/", line 673, in execute_transforms
    raise TransformationError()

According to the images API code in the SDK execute_transforms raises
a "TransformtionError when something errors during image
manipulation." In the code this happens only when the images service
returns an ImagesServiceError.UNSPECIFIED_ERROR.

It is really disturbing to have a piece of code be rock solid for
months (under load) and then start throwing exceptions out of the
blue. Real customers are using my service so this is a critical issue
for me.

- Bryce

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