Expanding @Stephens thoughts and given the new granularity 15 min (how
in the world we moved from ms to minutes is a wander to me) a lot
about pricing will depend on scheduler and I can foresee fights here
every time scheduler algorithm changes in future handicapping this or
the other type of applications.
Google says that they made the move to instance pricing coz a request
on hold is not consuming cpu cycles but still occupies memory.
This is true but ...
a) we developers have already many incentives to make a request return
as fast as possible.
b) they could still charge by ms used to serve.
The way I see it new pricing is more appropriate to an IaasS rather
than a PaaS and I think GAE  is mainly a PaaS solution and this model
does not fit right, neither it gives us incentives to write efficient
- green code.

Nick Milon

On May 13, 1:21 pm, Stephen <sdeasey+gro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, May 13, 2011 at 6:21 AM, Brandon Wirtz <drak...@digerat.com> wrote:
> > OR… (and this one kills me)
> > User: I need a  big file
> > APP: I don’t have that in memcache let me go get that for you
> > 110ms later…
> > DataStore: Here is that file you asked for its big.
> > App: Yeah I know and this user is on dial up. They Suck
> App Engine i/o is fully buffered. Your instance is done and ready to
> serve a new request once it has written the current response to stdout
> and returned from main. The App Engine infrastructure will dribble the
> bytes back to the user as fast as possible.
> > And In all three of these scenarios what I’m really paying for if I get 
> > billed by instances is the
> > waiting to send stuff to the user, and possibly read it out of GQL.  None 
> > of this uses
> >  the “Python” bits for anything useful.
> Try caching your data > 1MB in the blobstore. You can then use the
> send_blob() call of the BlobstoreDownloadHandler which acts like the
> X-Sendfile header in some other web servers. This should return
> immediately.
>  http://code.google.com/appengine/docs/python/blobstore/overview.html#...
> > And I think some days this works, (so do cache control headers and the  edge
> > caching such that when two people ask for the same exact thing only 1 hits 
> > my APP) and
> > other days it doesn’t work so much. And I don’t really know why cause I 
> > can’t see the
> > moving parts, only part of what is on each side of a row of magic black 
> > boxes.
> So you're saying: when the engineers make a mistake the accountants
> are happy? Mistakes are rewarded?

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