Your interpretation of the operation count is in line with what I've
heard as well.  Although, it is sure nice to assume it refers to API
calls.  I think Greg actually posted something to the groups stating
this.  In the end, the new datastore pricing model is actually
(exactly) the same as the current model, just more clear.

I've asked 'the datastore team' (aka Alfred) about the relative
expense of writes.  I'm told it is exactly the same as a put, indexes
must be cleared and the entity removed (albeit delayed).  However,
unscientifically I see the same as you two -- deletes are much more
expensive.  Maybe Google just doesn't want to let go of those bits....

I like Jason's idea, leaving garbage linger on disk forever is silly.
I'd love to be able to set a special '__delete_me_sometime__' property
to True then at some point in the 'near' (within next couple days?)
let Google's massive super deleter trash the entities en masse.  If
those entities are returned by a query it is OK, filter them in-code.


On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 16:22, Jeff Schnitzer <> wrote:
> Everything I've heard from the GAE team indicates that each index
> change would be a separate "datastore operation" - so if you write 100
> entities with 3 indexes each, that's 300 operations.
> I'm just curious to know if a delete is the same as a write - my
> impression (unscientific) is that deletes up to this point are
> considerably more expensive than writes.  Maybe the flattening of
> operations will equalize that.
> Jeff
> On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 12:26 PM, Jason Collins
> <> wrote:
>> Jeff, good point on the new pricing model. From what I understand,
>> we'd get charged on an API call (e.g., each call to db.delete()),
>> regardless of the number of indexes (which make up a good portion of
>> the overall CPU costs in our case).
>> There likely is a fairly substantial difference (reduction) of cost
>> under the new model.
>> j
>> On May 26, 12:54 pm, Jeff Schnitzer <> wrote:
>>> On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 10:58 AM, Calvin <> wrote:
>>> > It would make a difference because you could do the deletions within the
>>> > daily free quota.
>>> It's probably fair to assume that his application is already billed
>>> way beyond the free quota.
>>> Deleting data does seem painfully slow and expensive.  I wonder, does
>>> this change at all with the new pricing model?
>>> Jeff
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