
In a simple case, suppose i have two kinds (tables) stored in GAE

Employee (EmployeeId, Name, Salary, StartDate, DepartmentId)
Department(DepartmentId, DepartmentName)

For Employee kind, EmployeeId is the unique key and DepartmentId is
the join attribute for Employee to make join with Department kind. For
Department kind, DepartmentId is the unique key. Both Employee and
Department kinds have quite a lot of tuples, let us say, more than 3
million tuples.

There is a need to make join query over both Employee and Department
kinds in order to answer the query concerns the data from both kinds.
For example a query could be "List all employees's Id, name, salary
and their department name for the ones earns more than 8000 US

How can i make join query among different kinds to answer the query
concerns different kinds?

Of course, there could be more than just two kinds stored in GAE
datastore. If one wants to make join query among more than two kinds,
how to handle that?

Thank you for your help!


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