Greg, can you confirm if a channel in the new pricing scheme is still
available for 2 hours and can be reused for multiple clients (as long
as they don't overlap in time)?

On Jul 3, 1:39 pm, ksafez216 <> wrote:
> You say that the new Channel API rates is what users pay today.
> First of all, in the original model you get over 8,000 free channels a
> day to 100/day in the new model.
> And please tell me if 1000's of users are exchanging messages on
> individual channels, does that mean that there will be have to 1000's
> of instances running at the same time?
> Things should get cheaper and simpler, not more expensive and more
> complicated!
> On May 17, 9:49 pm, "Gregory D'alesandre" <> wrote:
> > Hello All!
> > As you've likely heard, when Google App Engine leaves Preview in the second
> > half of 2011, the pricing model will change.  Prices are listed 
> > here:  
> > But that
> > leaves a lot of questions unanswered, this FAQ is intended to help answer
> > some of the frequently asked questions about the new model.  We are
> > interested in hearing additional thoughts and comments you have based on
> > this.  Once it is relatively stable I'll add it to our official docs.  If
> > you find there is something you want to know but it is not yet answered,
> > just ask and I'll try to answer it as clearly as possible.  We've made some
> > changes based on the feedback we've gotten (from this group in particular),
> > they are bolded below but not updated on the external pages yet.  There are
> > still blanks to fill in and I will be sending that information to this group
> > first in order as it is available.  Finally, thank you for your questions
> > and bearing with us as we are ironing out details, I and the whole App
> > Engine team very much appreciate it.
> > Greg D'Alesandre
> > Senior Product Manager, Google App Engine
> > -------------------
> > *Definitions*
> > *Instance*: A small virtual environment to run your code with a reserved
> > amount of CPU and Memory.
> > *Frontend Instance*: An Instance running your code and scaling dynamically
> > based on the incoming requests but limited in how long a request can run.
> > *Backend Instance*: An Instance running your code with limited scaling based
> > on your settings and potentially starting and stopping based on your
> > actions.
> > *Scheduler*: Part of the App Engine infrastructure that determines which
> > Instance should serve a request including whether or not a new Instance is
> > needed.
> > *Serving Infrastructure*
> > Q: What’s an Instance?
> > A: When App Engine starts running your code it creates a small virtual
> > environment to run your code with a reserved amount of CPU and Memory.  For
> > example if you are running a Java app, we will start a new JVM for you and
> > load your code into it.
> > Q: Is an App Engine Instance similar to a VM from infrastructure providers?
> > A: Yes and no, they both have a set amount of CPU and Memory allocated to
> > them, but GAE instances don’t have the overhead of operating systems or
> > other applications running, so a much larger percentage of the CPU and
> > memory is considered “usable.” They also operate against high-level APIs and
> > not down through layers of code to virtual device drivers, so it’s more
> > efficient, and allows all the services to be fully managed.
> > Q: How does GAE determine the number of Frontend Instances to run?
> > A: For each new request, the Scheduler decides whether there is an available
> > Instance for the request, the request should wait, or a new Instance should
> > be created to service the request.  It looks at the number of Instances, the
> > throughput of the Instances, and the number of requests waiting.  Based on
> > that it predicts how long it will take before it can serve the request (aka
> > the Pending Latency).  If it predicts the delay will be over 1 second, a new
> > Instance is created.  If it looks like an Instance is no longer needed, it
> > will take that Instance down.
> > Q: Should I assume I will be charged for the number of Instances currently
> > being shown in the Admin console?
> > A: No, we are working to change the Scheduler to optimize the utilization of
> > instances, so that number should go down somewhat.  If you are using Java,
> > you can also make your app threadsafe and take advantage of handling
> > concurrent requests.  You can look at that as an upper bound on how many
> > Instances you will be charged for.
> > Q: How can I control the number of instances running?
> > A: With the new Scheduler you’ll have the ability to choose a set of
> > parameters that will help you specify how many instances are spun up to
> > serve your traffic.  More information about the specific parameters and how
> > they will affect the Scheduler will be available on this within a few weeks.
> > Q: What can I control in terms of how many requests an Instance can handle?
> > A: The single largest factor is your application’s latency in handling the
> > request.  If you service requests quickly, a single instance can handle a
> > lot of requests.  Also, Java apps support concurrent
> > requests<>,
> > so it can handle additional requests while waiting for other requests to
> > complete.  This can significantly lower the number of Instances your app
> > requires.
> > Q: Will there be a solution for Python concurrency?  Will this require any
> > code changes?
> > Python concurrency will be handled by our release of Python 2.7 on App
> > Engine.  We’ve heard a lot of feedback from our Python users who are worried
> > that the incentive is to move to Java because of its support for concurrent
> > requests, so we’ve made a change to the new pricing to account for
> > that.  *While
> > Python 2.7 support is currently in progress it is not yet done so we will be
> > providing a half-sized instance for Python (at half the price) until Python
> > 2.7 is released.*
> > Q: How many requests can an average instance handle?
> > A: Single-threaded Instances (python or java) can currently handle 1
> > concurrent request.  Single-threaded Instances (python or java) can
> > currently handle 1 concurrent request.  Therefore there is a direct
> > relationship between the latency and number of requests which can be handled
> > on the instance per second, for instance: 10ms latency = 100
> > request/second/Instance, 100ms latency = 10 request/second/Instance, etc.
> >  Multi-Threaded Instances can handle many concurrent requests.  Therefore
> > there is a direct relationship between the cpu consumed and the number of
> > requests/second.  For instance, for a B4 (approx 2.4GHz) instance: consuming
> > 10 Mcycles/request = 240 request/second/Instance, 100 Mcycles/request = 24
> > request/second/Instance, etc.  These numbers are the ideal case but they are
> > pretty close to what you should be able to accomplish on an Instance.
> > Multi-Threaded instances are currently only supported for Java; we are
> > planning support for Python later this year.
> > Q: Why is Google charging for instances rather than CPU as in the old model?
> >  Were customers really asking for this?
> > A: CPU time only accounts for a portion of the resources used by App Engine.
> >  When App Engine runs your code it creates an Instance, this is a maximum
> > amount of CPU and Memory that can be used for running a set of your code.
> >  Even if the CPU is not currently working due to waiting for responses, the
> > instance is still resident and considered “in use” so, essentially, it still
> > costs Google money.  Under the current model, apps that have high latency
> > (or in other words stay resident for long periods of time without doing
> > anything) are not able to scale because it would be cost-prohibitive to
> > Google.  So, this change is designed to allow developers to run any sort of
> > application they would like but pay for all of the resources that are being
> > used.
> > Q: What does this mean for existing customers?
> > A: Many customers have optimized for low CPU usage to keep bills low, but in
> > turn are often using a large amount of memory (by having high latency
> > applications).  This new model will encourage low latency applications even
> > if it means using larger amounts of CPU.
> > Q: How will always-on work under the new model?
> > A: Still determining how this will work, answer coming very soon (no
> > seriously, we are almost done).
> > Q: What is the difference between On-demand Instances and Reserved
> > Instances?
> > A: On-demand Instances have no pre-commitment in terms of the number that
> > will be used.  You pay for them as you use them.  Reserved Instances are
> > pre-commitment to a certain number of Instance Hours in a week.  They are
> > cheaper but you must pay for all the Instance Hours that you have
> > pre-committed to whether you use them or not.  This does not mean they have
> > to be running the whole time.
> > Q: Wait, so Reserved instances don’t mean you have to keep them running the
> > whole time?
> > A: No, it is just a way to get cheaper instance-hours by pre-committing to
> > them.
> > Q: What is the time granularity of the instance pricing?  ie if I have an
> > instance up for 5 minutes, what am I charged, $0.08 / 60*5?
> > A: Instances are charged for their uptime and until they are idle for 15
> > minutes (when the scheduler takes them down).  So if you have an on-demand
> > Instance only serving traffic for 5 minutes, you will pay for 5+15 minutes,
> > or $0.08 / 60 * 20 = 2.6 cents.
> > Q: You seem to be trying to account for RAM in the new model.  Will I be
> > able to purchase Frontend Instances that use different amounts of memory?
> > A: We are only planning on having one size of Frontend Instance.
> > Q: Do Frontend instances handle Task Queues and Cron?
> > A: Yes.
> > Q: Can the experimental Go Runtime handle concurrent requests?
> > A: Not currently.
> > *Costs*
> > Q: Is the $9/app/month a fee or a minimum spend?
> > A: *Based on the feedback we’ve received we are changing this $9 fee to be a
> > minimum...
> read more »

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