This problem has been resolved.

The solution was to trash the project and start it over from an empty
project. This uploaded without any complaints and so far still does. The
reasons why appcfg decided to complain about the appengine api is beyond my
knowledge of the system. For the moment all is fine and I'll just pretend
that this was just bad luck or something and hope that it will not happen

On Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 2:51 AM, Rob Coops <> wrote:

> As the subject says this is the advice appcfg provides me: Found a jar
> file too large to upload: "C:\Users\Rob\AppData\Local\Temp
> \appcfg6444875077946004627.tmp\WEB-INF\classes\appengine-api-1.0-
> sdk-1.5.1.jar".  Consider using --enable_jar_splitting.
> So here is what I do to try and fix this: C:\appcfg --
> enable_jar_splitting update C:\Users\Rob\workspace\Dashbord\war
> The result is the exact same error :-(
> The weird thing is that I have been uploading this app several times
> today but since this evening app engine doesn't like the appengine SDK
> anymore :-/
> Am I doing something silly or incorrect? Is there away to get my
> project uploaded via a tool that is a little friendlier about the
> Google supplied jar's :-)
> Regards,
> Rob
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