On Jul 13, 4:43 am, Nikolay Sohryakov <nikolay.sohrya...@gmail.com>
> I'm trying to implement my handler for the OAuth2 protocol. I looked at
> google's implementation
> at google-api-python-client\oauth2client\appengine.py. It works 90% of the
> time. This part of my module is
> application = webapp.WSGIApplication([
>                 ('/oauth2client', OAuth2Handler)
> ])
> def main():
>         logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
>         run_wsgi_app(application)
> I did it exactly like it done in google's module. And btw when i was using 
> google's implementation it worked exactly in the same way. Some requests were 
> missed.

Without the if __name__ = "__main__" bit, your main() function won't
be run when the script is imported the first time, only on subsequent

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