> 61% of posts answered within 2 days

1. I am glad that you are tracking this.

2. That's NOT a good percentage. Since this is your main support channel, this 
should be 99.995% in 1 day. I'm not kidding. If you want to be in the software 
business, walk the walk.

3. I'm skeptical about your measurement technique. "Answered" doesn't mean 
answered unless the problem is actually resolved. The pattern I usually see is:

- I post a question
- You ask for some more information
- I provide that information
- Crickets.

My bet is that you are counting that as "answered" since you responded to the 
initial question.  But it ain't answered in the stack overflow sense of the 
word. And that sense is all that matters.

Let's hope that when you come out of preview and start charging us all that 
money, you step it up a bit on the support side. I know that customer support 
has about negative priority at google, so I recognize that it will be a 


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