So you want to store a "very long list of numbers" in your AppEngine Model
which doesn't need to be indexed.

Well, you could just do this:

*class Foo(db.Model):
 numbers = db.ListProperty(int, indexed=False)
However, you will quickly notice that the performance and the memory
consumption of this sucks if you add thousands of integers to this list.

Instead you should use the native python "array.array" type as the list and
store it in a BlobProperty. It's up to 30x faster!

I created a library that does exactly this (free, apache 2.0 license):

Once you have the library, all you need to do is this to get a huge
performance boost:

*class Foo(db.Model):
 numbers = db.ArrayProperty()*

The blogpost also has more details and an appstat comparison.

Cheers & hope you like it

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