To be fair to the App Engine team: I tried concurrency again and the issue seems fixed
to me.  I was able to reduce my instances from 8 to 1 (sometimes 2) which
will certainly reduce my bill *a lot*.  I can live with the price of one or
two instances.

Only thing I see when I set the "max idle instances" slider to 1 (the lowest
possible value), I see one instance serving all requests and one instance
remaining idle without any requests.  I thought I could put the max idle
instances to 0, but that option is not available.  When I set the slider to
automatic, I have the impression I see less unused (I mean instances with
one or two requests) instances popping up.  Maybe I should set the delay
slider a bit higher than one second for this.

Taking into account the administrative overhead of EC2, I will remain on App
Engine at the moment, although I hope prices for (small) App Engine
instances will drop in the near future.

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