Hi there

We are a bit confused. From all the threads we see on this mailing list
it seems that it is expensive to run small applications on GAE in practice
and that many small developers are turning away from GAE (see note 1).

We are not a small developer. Our monthly cost will go from $10'000 to
$20'000 per month. So we would think of us as medium/big customers.
At this point we also would like to state that we LOVE developing system
on Google AppEngine. Our only issue really is the operating cost.

Amazon offers double the CPU power and 6x the amount of RAM
(EC2 Small Instance) for the price of one Google Frontend instance.

Amazon offers you a raw machine, you can do whatever you like in this
machine and don't have the limitations of Google AppEngine's. You want
to open a socket, you open one. You want to run a powerful fulltext search
backend, you do so. This makes an amazon CPU hour much more powerful
than a GAE one and should also be taken into account when thinking about
pricing. So I just throw a number out and say Google is 4x more expensive
than Amazon (see note 2)

On the other hand, you have to worry yourself about scale, uptime,
databases etc. etc. This seems to be Google's argument for the justification
of the 4x higher prices then on amazon. Yes, of course it is very nice to
having to cary a pager and that someone else is taking care of your system,
but this argument is pointless: For the extra $10'000 per month we are going
to have to spend with the new pricing scheme we will just hire a site
engineer that does nothing but taking care of the EC2 servers. Fulltime. Yes
he might have to stand up occasionally in the middle of the night, but most
of the time he will not have to do anything for his $10'000 per month and we
as the devs wont have to carry a pager either.

We are really thinking about moving out of GAE. We would definitely not
start another project with the size of ours on GAE. So I'd say for
size projects GAE isn't ideal either.

So who is Google targeting with Google AppEngine?

We are indeed confused.

With best regards,
- Andrin, Founder of MiuMeet.

Note 1) assuming that the discussions on this mailing list are a relevant
of the what the average developer feels, which is probably not true

Note 2) 2x the CPU cost, 6x the RAM cost, and you have the limitations of
Google AppEngines framework.

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