I tried to be pretty platform agnostic, not suggesting any platform was
better than any other.



but several people sent me this article,




>From Ars Technica, and said "Why aren't we on Azure? It is the fastest!"


If I were the various platforms I would cheat. The images and HTML are
static, I'd put them permanently on the edge cache and let them serve from
there. :-)  Google takes .8 seconds leaving everyone in the dust.   How 6
images totaling 1.5M can take 6 seconds is beyond me. They likely don't have
always on enabled.




https://www.cloudsleuth.net released a report about the fastest cloud
platforms that is pretty much a waste of time to read. Jon Brodkin's
artictle on Ars Technica is an even bigger waste of time to read because he
makes some claims that would provide misinformation to the already skewed
interpretation of what Compuware's data actually means.

Jon doesn't even understand that SaleForce's Cloud isn't a competitor to
EC2, AppEngine, and Azure. This is what happens when journalists try to do
the work of analysts.

When you are looking for a cloud, the speed at which static assets are
served is very rarely an issue. This is what a CDN is for. While I
personally use Google AppEngine in a very CDN like manner that is not what
it is designed to do, and in order to get it to be good at this type of
serving I wrote my application in a very specific way. Cloud Sleuth didn't.
They just upload the assets and call it good enough.

All CloudSleuth is testing is the speed of the hard disk the and the
connection between their test server and the cloud provider.

When picking a Cloud Platform you are actually more concerned with balancing
your developer, IT, and System Resources. These costs are make up the
largest portion of your investment in the cloud.



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