Hello there, this is maybe the most stupid question ever but I am
wondering if it is possible to do an update to the datastore without
reading the entity first.

I am trying to keep my reads/writes operation as low as possible and
after a huge optimization which I have done in memcache I would like
to implement an update to existing entity without reading it first.
Until now I basically just load the entity from the database using its
key (converted from my entity id) and then set the attribute and
persisted back to datastore. I am wondering what would be the best
approach here:

1) I assume there is now alternative to SQL syntax aka "update entity
set attribute = :value where id = :id"
2) so should I read the entity just by key through small datastore
operation (I assume this is going to load an empty entity with the key
only) and then set my attribute I would like to change and then
normally persist? Is it going to delete all unpopulated attribute in
this entity or just update the one I set? Or is this just totally dumb
and not going to work at all?
3) is there any other way how to do this?

Thank you and sorry again if I missed something really obvious here!

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