A common test strategy for results that may vary (e.g. more used when
measuring timings etc) would be:
- discard the most unreliable result (first read, last read etc)
- read the result a number of times and then look at the majority
result, or allow a maximum number of failure results for a given
number of tries.
- repeat the test case a number of times, and depending on the known
logic of failures, decide the outcome (e.g. have a maximum number/% of
fails or a minimum number/% of successes)

But obviously better would be to find a way to fore the "eventual
consistency" of the data store. I am not yet familiar with HRD, but
maybe you can perform one read, discard that result, wait a short time
and then perform the read that decides test case pass/fail?

Maybe a second write to the same entity would force it? Need to check
details on HRD and eventual consistency to come up with a foolproof

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