It looks like GAE won't run on the local SDK.

See e.g.

It would have been much appreciated for this to have been explicitly
noted in the 1.5.5 Release Notes (and saved me quite a bit of time
wondering what might be wrong).

GAE 1.5.5 looks amazing; great progress.


On Oct 11, 9:44 pm, bmh <> wrote:
> GAE 1.5.5 looks to have awesome features. They're not working for me
> yet. Below are some of the issues I'm having.
> Here's roughly my app.yaml (which has been altered for privacy
> reasons, as is example code below).
> ---- app.yaml ----
> application: AAA # mystical creation.
> version: alpha-1
> runtime: python27
> api_version: 1
> threadsafe: true
> handlers:
> - url: /media
>   static_dir: media/
> - url: /favicon.ico
>   static_files: media/images/favicon.ico
>   upload: media/images/favicon.ico
> - url: /crossdomain.xml
>   static_files: media/crossdomain.xml
>   upload: media/crossdomain.xml
> - url: /admin
>   script:
>   login: admin
> - url: /.*
>   script:
> skip_files:
> - ^(.*/)?app\.yaml
> - ^(.*/)?app\.yml
> - ^(.*/)?index\.yaml
> - ^(.*/)?index\.yml
> - ^(.*/)?#.*#
> - ^(.*/)?.*~
> - ^(.*/)?.*\.py[co]
> - ^(.*/)?.*/RCS/.*
> - ^(.*/)?\..*
> - ^(.*/)?.*\.bak$
> - ^local.*$
> - ^var.*$
> libraries:
> - name: django
>   version: "1.2"
> - name: jinja2
>   version: latest
> - name: yaml
>   version: latest
> ---- End app.yaml ----
> I'm on Mac OS X Lion (10.7.1).
> I hypothesize that I am not actually using the Python 2.7 runtime, in
> spite of the declaration in app.yaml to use it. I've not validated
> this theory, but the errors I've encountered are consistent with it.
> ==========
> Python Path
> ==========
> When Google App Engine's Python Path is not set, the app engine runs
> using Python 2.6.6.
> To fix this I set Python Path to /usr/bin/python2.7 in the Google App
> Engine preferences.
> =====
> =====
> I get the following error:
>  /Applications/
> GoogleAppEngine-default.bundle/Contents/Resources/google_appengine/
> google/appengine/tools/ in
> GetParentPackage(self=< 
> Hook
> object>, fullname='')
>    2334
>    2335       if self.find_module(fullname) is None:
> => 2336         raise ImportError('Could not find module %s' %
> fullname)
>    2337
>    2338       return self._module_dict[parent_module_fullname]
> builtin ImportError = <type 'exceptions.ImportError'>, fullname =
> ''
> <type 'exceptions.ImportError'>: Could not find module
>       args = ('Could not find module',)
>       message = 'Could not find module'
> Where I've tried as:
>    from google.appengine.dist import use_library
>   use_library('django', '1.2') # otherwise we still get django 0.96
>   from AAA.initialize import Initializer
> # do stuff to init (logs, etc.)
>   from django.core.handlers import wsgi
>   app = wsgi.WSGIHandler()
> AAA/
>    # same content as above
> AAA/
>    # same content as above
> Note that I can continue to run CGI with app.yaml and modified,
> mutatis mutandis. However doing so results in the errors below:
> =====
> Jinja2
> =====
> When I run `import jinja2` I get an ImportError.
> =======
> Django2
> =======
> Without:
>    from google.appengine.dist import use_library
>    use_library('django', '1.2')
> I end up with Django 0.96.
> ======
> Theory
> ======
> Given the following:
>  -
> states "The use_library() function provided by the
> google.appengine.dist package is unavailable in Python 2.7."
> - use_library works for me
> - use_library is required because the "libraries: {django: {...,
> version: "1.2"}} declaration does not set the django version to 1.2
> - Only Django 1.2 is included in the Python 2.7 runtime (per the
> libraries27.html link above)
> - I have to manually specify Python 2.7 in the Python Path in order
> for GAE to use Python 2.7
> - WSGI doesn't load the application properly
> - Jinja2 cannot be imported
> I believe I am not really using the Python 2.7 GAE runtime (i.e. the
> app.yaml declaration is being ignored).
> I hope the above is helpful, and I am available to contact directly
> for any further information.

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