Hi Ronoaldo,

What you're seeing is an error in our monitoring system caused by
today's changes. HRD did not suffer any downtime.
Thank you for pointing this out!

App Engine Team

On Nov 7, 11:06 am, Ronoaldo José de Lana Pereira
<rpere...@beneficiofacil.com.br> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm just curious to see this 
> charthttp://code.google.com/status/appengine/detail/hr-datastore/2011/11/0...
> and wold like to hear from Google team or developers that are under HRD if
> they're only displaying wrong or if this is the first *downtime* for HRD.
> Looks like get() or query() are giving 100% error rate, i.e.: unable to
> read your data.
> -Ronoaldo

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