no ... my compound index is a combination of a timestamp and a string
and only need desc timestamp, no list property involved ... the
forking of the list property searching has scared me away from them

a while back (after the new pricing was announced), i unindexed lots
of fields and it reduced indexed writes by a factor of 40 ...

is it possible that these former indexes on fields could still be
occupying space and, if so, is there a way to get rid of them since i
no longer index those fields?

e.g. if i copy a namespace and delete the former namespace will that
get rid of field indexes which are no longer indexed ...

thank so much for your help ...

p.s. finally, when i first created my entities i did not realize that
every field was indexed by default but finally figure it out ... :)

On Nov 12, 4:16 am, Max <> wrote:
> by default every property is indexed except Blob / Text, and these indexes
> are not listed on your index page. Try to unindex them and see how much
> space you can save.
> With regards to your *only* composite index, is list property invovled?

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