My data currently on MS is organized into entities.
  - For example, let's say that each Organization is it's own entity

Most of my queries are within an entity/organization.  An example of a
typical query is:
 - Employee.all().filter('organization =', org).filter('position =',

This same query can also be done using an ancestor query:
 - Employee.all().ancestor(org_key).filter('position =',

The first version of the query does not require a custom index, but
the second version does.

My questions:
1.  Will moving from the first version to the the second version of
the query require adding custom indexes? Or am I missing something?
2.  Clarification on Strong Consistency in HR:  Is it necessary to use
the ancestor() operator, or is simply querying within an entity group
strongly consistent?  My assumption has been that for queries that
must be strongly consistent, it will be necessary to migrate from the
first format to the second format (increasing the number of custom
indexes I need to carry).  Is this assumption correct?

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