On Monday, 21 November 2011 10:25:34 UTC-8, WallyDD wrote:
> I am little confused with how these instances work.
> How long does an instance stay alive?
> A site in Python 2.5 (M/S) fires up an instance when it is accessed
> and the instance stays alive for minutes after.
> With Python 2.7(HRD) the instance is killed off after a matter of
> seconds. So I either have to pay and keep the application alive but
> then it gets tricky.
> And to add insult to injury, if I access a python 2.7 application and
> get one page, the instance lasts for a few seconds but I am billed for
> 15 minutes. If I am billed for 15 minutes please would it be possible
> for the instance to stay alive for something close to 15 minutes?
For Python 2.7 specifically, we're aware of the short instance life. Please 
be aware that the Python 2.7 runtime is still experimental and so rough 
spots like this can happen.

As for billing, remember, you only get charged the 15 minutes once per 
instance. If that instance goes away and comes back within 15 minutes, you 
don't get charged again.

> Now if I enable billing (for the cost of $2.10 a week).
> I can adjust the sliders under application settings, I have two
> settings "Idle instances" and "Pending latency".
> Leaving "Idle instances" at Automatic results in instances only
> lasting a few seconds. Setting it to 1 results in having a "Resident"
> instance and this sort of works. I can use the application a little
> but then a second instance fires up and leaves one instance completely
> idle. All I want is one instance running. I put "Pending Latency" up
> to 500ms to try and stop other instances firing up.
I believe (I'm not an expert here) the purpose of "Idle Instances" is to 
absorb extra traffic to help your app scale more smoothly. Once you start 
using that instance, it's no longer idle so the system spins up another 

> I use the application and so now I have two instances serving, The
> resident instance is sitting there doing nothing and I am using
> another instance but being billed for both.
> So I go an play with the sliders and set idle instances to automatic
> and it kills one off (the resident one that was doing nothing). But
> then the instances start with their stop start routine and the
> application is very unresponsive.
> Is there a bug with the instancing or is there something that I really
> don't understand here.

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