if it's as bad as 6 to 8 seconds, have you looked at creating a list
of string for the property names? i know its more maintenance
overhead, but might be worth the tradeoff..


class SerializableModel(object):

  serializable = []

  def to_json(self):
    result = []
    for x in self.serializable:
    ## append values from self.properties().items()

class A(db.Model, SerializableModel):
  serializable = ['user_keys']
  _user_keys = db.StringListProperty(default=[], indexed=False)

  def user_keys(self):
    return [db.Key(x) for x in self._user_keys]

  def user_keys_count(self):
    """not in serializable list"""
    return len(self._user_keys)

On Jan 10, 9:05 am, Andreas <a.schmi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> hi,
> im using more or less this 
> (http://www.awebcoder.com/post/91001/extended-jsonify-function-for-app...) 
> jsonify function to serialize whatever object i pass into the jsonify() 
> function and i have to say it does all i need and works pretty good.
> the only downside i see right now is the speed. if i try to serialize 50 
> db.Model objects with around 10 properties each in production it takes 6-8 
> seconds which is not exactly what i would expect.
> is there a way to make this part of  code more performant?
>     for property in dir(obj):
>         if property[0] != '_':
>             try:
>                 value = obj.__getattribute__(property)
>                 valueClass = str(value.__class__)
>                 if not(('function' in valueClass) or ('built' in valueClass) 
> or ('method' in valueClass)):
>                     value = dumps(value)
>                     if value != None:
>                         properties[property] = value
>                     else:
>                         properties[property] = ""
>             except: continue
>     if len(properties) == 0:
>         return str(obj)
>     else:
>         return properties
> i know i could use obj.properties().items() to loop over the properties but i 
> would not be able to serialize properties which are @property functions 
> because those don't get listed in the obj.properties() list.
> right now im caching the results so im gaining speed because i get the result 
> from memcache but when i flush the cache or the memcached result is not 
> available it takes too much until the result is ready.
> thx

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