Hi Vinuth,

I think the only way to do this right now would be to forgo the
getServingUrl method from the Blobstore Images API and generate a
private url of the image within your app.  Much in the same way that
you would serve a non-image blobstore entity such as a .zip or some
other binary.

However, there are drawbacks: If you rely on the sizing and cropping
arguments (that append to the API generated url) to render you images,
you will need to build your own functionality for storing and serving
de-normalized results from the transformations.  Also, your app will
incur the overhead for both a request as well as a few RPCs for each
image served, which can add up if you are displaying many thumbnails
on a single page which can noticeably impact latency and/or force your
app to scale up more resources.

On the other hand, it does allow for setting the headers any way you
want, rendering readable urls (which *some* SEO auditors consider
critical), as well as giving a mechanism for monitoring the usage of
each image asset.  That last part is helpful if you don't want some
user consuming your apps bandwidth for their own CDN purposes, since
AFAIK, GAE does not have any specific logging for individual Blobstore
images served. (If it can, someone please let me know ;)

Maybe this will fit your use case, good luck!


On Feb 25, 3:49 am, Vinuth Madinur <vinuth.madi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Had posted this on Stackoverflow, since I didn't see any response there,
> retrying to start the conversation here.
> I hit upon this problem while trying to display image in a canvas to fetch
> it's color properties. However, since the image from blobstore is served
> from a different domain, the canvas gets tainted. Is there a workaround for
> this problem? Shouldn't blobstore be sending the
> Access-Control-Allow-Origin header based on the requesting domain and
> whether the domain owns the content?

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