from around last 12 hours, we see an exceptionally high latency on some of
our gae apps. before requests on average takes 200ms-1000ms. now it can
takes 2000ms - 5000ms. I try to measure the time as local client. like make
10 requests, 1-2 times the latency is normal <1s, half of the time is like
2s-5s, sometimes it even takes 10-20s!!

as a result, it also doubles the number of instances started by GAE, and so
as the frontend cost.

does anyone observe similar problem recently, or it's only me? is it
google's infrastructure prb, or anything i can do? if it's google's
infrastructure prb, i dont think it makes sense to transform such bad user
experiences (high latency) into doubling our hosting cost....

- eric

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