Hi Vik,

technical details aside, keep in mind that the spam filter settings on App 
Engine can be pretty strict. We have been sending mails for 18 months now, 
increasing the number gradually, and we also used DKIM signing. Still, 
suddenly some time last week our mails stopped getting sent. From all I can 
tell some Google mechanism decided that we're a spammer. We have inquired 
with Google instantly, but of course the GAE customer service is poor as 
always and never got back to us. So we switched to an external email 
provider now (mailgun, but there are dozens out there), and I'm quite happy 
with that, since tracking of emails is a lot more convenient too. It's not 
free though. 

Long story short, if you all of a sudden send 10k mails, be prepared to get 
filtered by Google because they think you're a spammer. Make sure to spread 
the load, and track what you have sent already, so you know what you'd need 
to resend if push comes to shove.


On Saturday, July 7, 2012 7:19:12 PM UTC+2, Vivek Kumar wrote:
> Hello
> We have around 10000 registered users with us who are blood donors. We 
> want to send them periodic emails like every month to remind them or their 
> account status etc. 
> Obviously, a single request cannot process so many emails. 
> So, what is the suggested way to handle this use case without hitting 
> request time limits etc on app engine?
> our app is in GAE for java
> Vik

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