To send mail use the Mail API - that is the only supported way to do it.

In Production - on appspot - the Mail API sends emails via Googles

But the development environment is emulating the real environment. It of
course cant use Googles infrastructure, so instead you tell give it a SMTP
server it can use directly. The SMTP interface is not exposed to the actual
application (because it would be non functional online anyway)

On Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 2:07 PM, ruralgeek <> wrote:

> Hello ! I have some problems about sending email on GAE.
> The book  Programming Google App Engine  tells that:
> To configure the Python development server to use an SMTP server to send
> email, use the --smtp_host=... (with optional --smtp_port=...),
> --smtp_user=..., and --smtp_password=... arguments:
> \
> \
>     --smtp_user=exmail \
>     --smtp_password="t3!!t43w0r!d" \
>     appdir
> But I can't find that GAE supports using SMTP to send email.
> API:
> Now I want to send email from my own domain accounts (e.g.
>,and I have a SMTP server(
> How can I do it?
> Thanks.
> --
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