I reported this as a bug 
(http://code.google.com/p/googleappengine/issues/detail?id=8246) but I'm 
starting to wonder if I'm just doing something wrong.

My app sends activation emails which usually show up immediately, except on 
Hotmail where they never arrive. Not in the spam folder, not anywhere. My 
"from" address is a Google Apps account. My app engine logs don't show any 
errors, and I don't see any bounces in the from account's inbox - but would 
they even show up there? Not sure how to even start debugging this one. I 
see some people complaining about the same thing in 2008 and 2010 but there 
were no resolutions. I first noticed the issue 3 days ago but it may have 
always been happening. Is anyone else able to send emails to Hotmail?

Possibly related - Yahoo accepts my app's emails just fine, but Gmail warns 
that the sender may not be who they say they are and add a big scary "via 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.apphosting.bounces.google.com" beside the sender. I would 
have thought since Google controls App Engine (which sent the email), Apps 
(which hosts the from account) and Gmail (which received the email) that it 
would know damn well the sender was legit. Am I doing something wrong?

- Sarah

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