On Monday, October 22, 2012 5:51:38 AM UTC-7, Takashi Matsuo (Google) wrote:
> Hi Carl,
> On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 8:26 AM, Carl Schroeder 
> <schroede...@gmail.com<javascript:>
> > wrote:
>> Has this feature been disabled? Have the requirements for it changed?
>> The "Configured Services" section of my Application Settings says that 
>> "Warmup Requests" are enabled.
>> I can find no trace of any warmup requests in my logs.
> Currently, the warmup requests are issued only when you have some min idle 
> instances settings instead of 'automatic'.

This isn't mentioned in the documentation anywhere that I can see.  Did I 
miss it?  It seems like an incredibly important point to leave out.

>> Also, the scheduler is still acting crazy. It is starting up new java 
>> instances (with user facing requests) when there are dynamic instances 
>> alive and well and idle. 20 second response times to REST calls that 
>> normally return in 50ms is simply unacceptable performance. Asking my users 
>> to wait 40 seconds while a page that contains multiple REST calls loads is 
>> simply not an option.
> To avoid this, currently the options are
> * to have sufficient number of min idle instances
> or
> * to make your loading requests faster

The third option, of course, is to use something other than GAE.  Given 
that solution #1 pushes GAE costs over paying for an always-on host from 
another vendor, and #2 doesn't get you to a reasonable SLA, #3 honestly 
looks like the best choice from where I'm sitting.

I'm trying very hard not to get angry about this.  I actually have a good 
friend who is a developer on App Engine and I want very much to make this 
work, but it just seems like the scheduler is fundamentally broken, and 
Google is refusing to recognize it.  Am I missing something?  For those of 
you who have apps deployed on GAE, why isn't this behavior killing you?

- Kris

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