
I have a few applications in GAE. In one of them, I can access the 
Datastore Admin page in the dashboard just fine. However, for two other 
applications it is not working - curiously in two different ways. For one 
of the applications, the Datastore Admin page always remains blank - it 
seems to load for a moment, but nothing ever happens and it stays white. 

The second application has a different issue: the auto-generated server 
name for it is too long to be considered "legal" by the DNS name lookup. 
The browser (Chrome) just says that the DNS lookup failed for the 
(I'm replacing the actual app name part of the DNS name with digits, but 
yes, the app name is 26 chars long). Testing with the host command from a 
Unix command prompt, I get an error message declaring the name "not legal".

Is this a known problem? Why am I allowed to use app names this long if a 
standard mechanism like Datastore Admin is not going to work if the name is 
too long? Is there a workaround, other than renaming my app?

The second app for which the page also doesn't work seems to be just within 
the limits, btw - DNS lookup seems to be working for the name in that case. 
Any ideas what might be wrong in that case?


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