A couple quick notes...

I can verify Brandon's post about high throughput apps having extreme 
performance, while low throughput, test apps don't scale up very well. 
There is a learning algorithm at play, which favors production apps over 
test apps.  Go figure ;-}

" I might expect better 
results if 'ab' isn't competing with node for CPU resources.  The only 
practical difference of moving 'ab' off localhost is whether the 
network card driver on the VPS server is dramatically less efficient 
than the loopback driver. " - Comparing anything against lo is apples to 

In regard to having all clients hit the server at the same time, you could 
probably ramp QPS way up by having each clients results stored into a 
concurrent queue in ram, aggregate 25 units per entity and perform either 
DS or cache puts asynchronously in batches (first batch ten, subsequent 
batches 25), such that each client request just pushes to RAM and gets out 
to free up the request handler, and have a single thread asynchronously 
streaming results into DS.  

I've found with all performance tuning, having each request lock 
individually on appengine services leads to poor and choppy performance, 
while running using a single thread to mass push entities from shared 
concurrent queues using asynch batch puts results in extreme performance. 

Also, using known string keys is far, far better than having appengine 
generate long keys one at a time for your app.  If you can't possible 
generate a UUID from your data, at least lease big batches of keys to 
reduce bottlenecks.

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