It looks like I have a couple of options:

1. use the datastore, but break the data into smaller pieces
2. use google cloud sql (Are there per-row limits?)

And a couple that look less likely to be workable:

3. Somehow use the blobstore within a transaction?
4. Somehow use google cloud storage within a transaction?

The data I am storing is json. I've been using a JsonProperty in the 
datastore, until I realized I was not going to be able to go over the 
limit. If I did use option 1, how would I break up a json string into 
roughly 1MB blocks for efficient storage? How do I do it efficiently when 
using some kind of compression (and how would I use compression)?

I'm also not attached to any of these solutions. Whatever best (and most 
simply) solves the problem in the subject is what I want to hear. :) Thanks 
for any help!

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