I am displaying data from a data store kind in a html table using jsp. I am 
trying to delete all records from a Google app engine datastore locally 
using following code :

Query gaeQuery = new Query("Book");PreparedQuery pq = 
datastore.prepare(gaeQuery);List<Entity> list = 
pq.asList(FetchOptions.Builder.withDefaults());for(Entity item : list){

I am able to delete all records by this code. After running this code, I 
try to refresh the page to see an empty table. But still there are some 
records left which disappears after a second page refresh.

I think this is causing because the stale data remains in the memcache. I 
tried googling but not been able to find any solution to clear the memcache 
soon after deleting all records of a same kind.

I am looking for a way around to flush/clear the memcache.

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