I've got a GAE app which uses JDO to manage a single persistent class.  
Memcache not used.  Every time a new instance of the app starts up, I see 
3524 data store read operations added to my quota usage.  That number 
happens to be the number of rows in the persistent table, currently.  So it 
seems that JDO is reading through the entire table upon startup.  I've done 
thorough logging and testing to confirm that my own app code is not doing 
this -- my code only does queries thatl read at most 1-12 rows at a time, 
and the effect on quota usage for an already started instance matches my 
expectations.  It's only when GAE starts a new instance that I see the huge 
increment to data store read ops.
Because usage of my app varies up and down through a typical day, GAE 
starts new instances frequently (which come and go).  So this 3500+ hit to 
quota each time easily exceeds 50K total a day, so this is costing me $.
Questions:  why in the world does JDO need to read through the entire table 
upon startup, and is there any way to prevent it?
Below is the log output at startup from JDO.
Thanks very much in advance for any advice anybody provides.

   1. 2013-11-21 13:45:01.543
   org.datanucleus.plugin.NonManagedPluginRegistry resolveConstraints: Bundle 
"org.datanucleus.jpa" has an optional dependency to "org.datanucleus.enhancer" 
but it cannot be resolved
   3. I2013-11-21 13:45:01.543
   org.datanucleus.plugin.NonManagedPluginRegistry resolveConstraints: Bundle 
"org.datanucleus" has an optional dependency to "org.eclipse.equinox.registry" 
but it cannot be resolved
   4. I2013-11-21 13:45:01.544
   org.datanucleus.plugin.NonManagedPluginRegistry resolveConstraints: Bundle 
"org.datanucleus" has an optional dependency to "org.eclipse.core.runtime" but 
it cannot be resolved
   5. I2013-11-21 13:45:02.237
   org.datanucleus.PersistenceConfiguration setProperty: Property 
datanucleus.rdbms.sql.allowAllSQLStatements unknown - will be ignored
   6. I2013-11-21 13:45:02.244
   org.datanucleus.PersistenceConfiguration setProperty: Property 
datanucleus.rdbms.stringDefaultLength unknown - will be ignored
   7. I2013-11-21 13:45:02.263
   org.datanucleus.PersistenceConfiguration setProperty: Property 
datanucleus.appengine.autoCreateDatastoreTxns unknown - will be ignored
   8. I2013-11-21 13:45:02.268
   org.datanucleus.ObjectManagerFactoryImpl logConfiguration: ================= 
Persistence Configuration ===============
   9. I2013-11-21 13:45:02.270
   org.datanucleus.ObjectManagerFactoryImpl logConfiguration: DataNucleus 
Persistence Factory - Vendor: "DataNucleus"  Version: "1.1.5"
   10. I2013-11-21 13:45:02.271
   org.datanucleus.ObjectManagerFactoryImpl logConfiguration: DataNucleus 
Persistence Factory initialised for datastore URL="appengine" driver="" 
   11. I2013-11-21 13:45:02.271
   org.datanucleus.ObjectManagerFactoryImpl logConfiguration: 
   12. I2013-11-21 13:45:02.839
   org.datanucleus.PersistenceConfiguration setProperty: Property 
datanucleus.query.cached unknown - will be ignored
   13. I2013-11-21 13:45:03.840
   org.datanucleus.jdo.metadata.JDOMetaDataManager <init>: Registering listener 
for metadata initialisation
   14. I2013-11-21 13:45:04.692
   org.datanucleus.jdo.metadata.JDOAnnotationReader processClassAnnotations: 
Class "net.traub.tagxlate.server.dao.gae.GaeGcpRuleRecord" has been specified 
with JDO annotations so using those.
   15. I2013-11-21 13:45:04.851
   org.datanucleus.store.appengine.MetaDataValidator validate: Performing 
appengine-specific metadata validation for 
   16. I2013-11-21 13:45:04.851
   org.datanucleus.store.appengine.MetaDataValidator validate: Finished 
performing appengine-specific metadata validation for 
   17. I2013-11-21 13:45:04.936
   org.datanucleus.store.StoreDataManager registerStoreData: Managing 
Persistence of Class : net.traub.tagxlate.server.dao.gae.GaeGcpRuleRecord 
[Table : <class name="GaeGcpRuleRecord"
   [details omitted here to save space] </class>
   , InheritanceStrategy : new-table]
   18. I2013-11-21 13:45:05.034
   org.datanucleus.store.StoreDataManager registerStoreData: Managing 
Persistence of Class : net.traub.tagxlate.server.dao.gae.GaeGcpRuleRecord 
[Table : <class name="GaeGcpRuleRecord"
   <inheritance strategy="new-table">
   [details omitted here to save space] </class>
   , InheritanceStrategy : new-table]
   19. I2013-11-21 13:45:06.235
registerClass: Listener found initialisation for persistable class 
   20. W2013-11-21 13:45:07.758
logChunkSizeWarning: This query does not have a chunk size set in FetchOptions 
and has returned over 1000 results.  If result sets of this size are common for 
this query, consider setting a chunk size to improve performance.
     To disable this warning set the following system property in 
appengine-web.xml (the value of the property doesn't matter): 

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