I feel your pain. It took me forever to get the tic tac toe sample working, 
and even then I can't get the scores to show up on my android device.

Does anyone have any recommendations of what other backend tools to use to 
create an asynchronous multiplayer game using android?

On Tuesday, December 3, 2013 12:59:31 PM UTC-6, kingofrockinsf wrote:
> Despite what Google claims ,you are not going to get an app up and running 
> quickly on App Engine.
> Other than the crappy guestbook example ,the Java examples for app engine 
> are missing a lot of explanation.
> I have been trying for two days to get the Tic Tac Toe (Java) example 
> working .
> It took a long time to figure out how to see the API working as a test.
> The only part of it that works is  when you manually put in  a display 
> board call in appspot API explorer.
> It still doesn't work when you try to access it as a normal web page 
> directly from eclipse .
> The OAuth part of it is a joke .
> Even if you are already logged in to gmail and have the email address 
> listed under permis(sions ,the authentication fails and it doesn't let you 
> retry authentication. The Auth page only appears the first time you try it. 
> For an example app ,the explanation and functionality is awful.
> This seem typical of the documentation for this service ,in general.

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