
I am having a similar issue.  It appears that GAE doesn't always return the 
the script engine, for I get a NULL Exception.  My code looks like:

    public double myEval(String JsFormulaStr ) {
        double solutionValue = 0;
        ScriptEngineManager mgr = new ScriptEngineManager();
        ScriptEngine eng = mgr.getEngineByName("JavaScript");
        if(eng == null) {  // Added this block of code to prevent 
            log.severe("Unable to get Script Engine." );
            return 0;
        try {
            Object jsResults = eng.eval(JsFormulaStr);
            solutionValue = Double.parseDouble(jsResults.toString());
            return solutionValue;
        } catch(Exception e) {
            log.severe("[ERROR] in 
getCalculatedSolution_FromJS_ToDouble()::\n\t" +
                    "Formula String is: " + JsFormulaStr + "\n\t" + e);
            return 0;

Everything works fine if I run it locally as a WebApp (Both in Eclipse & 
Netbeans.  And within Tomcat & Glassfish 4.0).

Some of the strings which I tried to eval:

   - 62.0 / 100
   - 0.0 * 352.0
   - (0 - 428)  * 1000
   - (0 - 597)  * 1000
   - 73.0 / 100

NOTE: The '0' or '0.0' is from other evaluations.  Since the function 
returns 0 on an exception.



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