On Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 5:18 PM, ZTNXiLUzVm <sc4...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am developing in App Engine with Python and I understand what Modules
> are from reading the 
> documentation<https://developers.google.com/appengine/docs/python/modules/converting>,
> but I thought the process of splitting your code into multiple scripts and
> mapping them in the app.yaml file was supposed to accomplish the same
> thing. Does splitting the code into multiple scripts not actually do
> anything except make the code more organized?

You may be getting a little confused from the terminology. A Python module
( https://docs.python.org/2/tutorial/modules.html ) is a file containing
Python code. As you said, splitting up your app into different files helps
with organization, code reuse, and so forth.

An App Engine module is completely different and not related to the concept
of Python modules except in the most generic way. It's true that GAE
modules help with code organization, but it's much more than that. Each
module tends to be a fully featured application or self-contained service:
for example, one module is a web site, another module implements the API,
yet another supplies the backend heavy-lifting logic, and so forth. GAE
modules also supply other benefits: logs are separated and you can specify
different instance sizes.

-Vinny P
Technology & Media Advisor
Chicago, IL

App Engine Code Samples: http://www.learntogoogleit.com

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