
 Would be nice to see your .py script to be sure. What I do on my gae 
projects is adding the following header on each script:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals

This allows you working with unicode on backend code without needing to use 
u'' and without encoding problems. If you are using Jinja2 template system, 
you can pass the values as unicode and it will handle just fine.

 Good Lucky,
 Renzo Nuccitelli

On Sunday, April 27, 2014 4:11:05 PM UTC-3, Ebtesam Ba Shammakh wrote:
> Hi...
> I read you post on:
> *https://groups.google.com/*
> forum/#!msg/google-appengine/Tdni0rchMxE/N5kWBEwsrlIJ<https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/google-appengine/Tdni0rchMxE/N5kWBEwsrlIJ>
> and I am facing the same issue with Arabic.
> I have "main.html" file, and import it from "main.py" by using 
> self.response.out.write(template.render('main.html',values))
> the "main.html" display the arabi chars but the "main.py" not!!
> liker this:
>          <form action="/send" method="post" accept-charset="utf-8"> 
>          <table>
>          <tr>
>          <h3>Enter the following information which use in the sending 
> massege</h3>
>          </tr>
>          <tr>
>          <th>"""self.response.out.write(u'العنوان'.encode('utf-8'))"""</th>
>          <td><input type="text" name="subject" style="width:400px" ></td>
>          </tr>
>          <tr>
>          <th>"""self.response.out.write(u'المادة'.encode('utf-8'))"""</th>
>   <td>
>   <select name="course">
>                 <option value="611">CS 611</option>
>                 <option value="681">CS 681</option>
>         </select>
>         </td>
>  </tr>
> ......
> please help me!! and thans in advance

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