
Unfortunately, this forum isn't the right place to look for technical 
support on specific issues, or 1-on-1 support. 

For that, you should either purchase a support package 
<http://cloud.google.com/support> or post to StackOverflow 

If you believe you've noticed an actual issue on the platform, feel free to 
an issue in the public issue tracker for App Engine 

Whether you post to StackOverflow or the public issue tracker, you should 
include enough details to explain what you're doing, what you expect to 
see, and if possible, enough code to allow someone to reproduce the issue. 

As to your specific issue here, it seems odd that you are attempting to 
use url=URL('task_process'), when task_process is a function. Perhaps there 
is some framework you're using that converts this to a proper URL on your 
app which routes to that function, but this is left out of your post, and I 
can only guess. In addition, it seems odd that you can reference the 
variable "request", even though it isn't part of the function arguments or 
declared within the functions.

At any rate, I hope the above advice is helpful to you and that you can 
move on to post this issue to the correct forum, and/or get a support 
package for 1-on-1 support.

Have a nice day!

-- Nick

On Monday, June 29, 2015 at 3:20:33 AM UTC-4, test.wfs....@gmail.com wrote:
> We have a Web2py application hosted on Google app engine.
> We are trying to implement Taskqueue for fetching record from tables, we 
> are passing the filter field (date type) and number of years as parameters. 
> These parameters will be then passed to a Query to fetch the data from the 
> Database.
> Please find the code snippet as given below:
> Task_handler() function accepts the 2 input parameters and calls the 
> taskqueue which is defined in the task_process() function. In 
> task_process() function we are calculating the date based on the number of 
> years parameters and using it in the query to fetch the records older than 
> the calculated date.
> def task_handler():
>       if len(request.args):
>                 field= request.args[0]
> filter=int(request.args[1])
>        return 
> taskqueue.add(url=URL('task_process'),params={’field’:field,'diff': 
> filter,},method="POST")
> def task_process():
>                 field= request.form.get(‘field’)
> diff = request.form.get('diff')
>     filter_date = datetime.date.today() + datetime.timedelta(-(365*(diff)))
>     result = [] 
>     result = db(field < filter_date).select()
> Note :
> field in this case is db.<tablename>.<columnname>
> If we directly use the input parameter in query, it fails due to datatype 
> mismatch.
> So we tried by hardcoding the table field name in the query but got 
> Attribute Error for that.
> Kindly provide your inputs on what are we missing here or doing wrong.
> Thanks.

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