My advice is to not use queries for search. appengine queries are good for 
set known of specific preset requests. Restaurant search can have too 
variations and to design a query to cater for all possible search options 
would not be the best investment for your time. Instead, use what Appengine 
already has for this usecase: Text Search 
Plus, with this you could cater for partial search as well.

On Sunday, August 16, 2015 at 10:07:15 AM UTC+1, Sanket More wrote:
> Hello! I am having so much trouble understanding datastore queries!
> This is my problem.
> I can't seem to figure out whether querying from the top of a tree down to 
> a end node is faster than querying through all end nodes.
> I don't care about write cost or about transactions, I just want to know 
> what would be faster.
> Here is an example of what I mean.
> Lets say I have stored all the restaurants in a country through a database 
> hierarchy.
> Level 0 is the world.
> Level 1 are the countries.
> Level 2 are the states.
> Level 3 are the cities
> Level 4 are the restaurants
> Now my users want to search for information about a particular restaurant 
> and give me the country state city and restaurant name.
> Would it be faster for me to save the country, state, city and restaurant 
> at level 4 and then query through all restaurants for a match? OR
> Would it be faster for me to search the country for all children states, 
> pick the state I want, search the state for cities, pick the city I want, 
> and essentially narrow it down to the restaurant?
> Because I feel that with option one, I would end up linearly increasing 
> the time my requests take and that's just not good.
> And with option two, it feels like I would end up having to run multiple 
> queries to find all the children of each level and then pick the child I 
> want. Do I really need to run that many queries?
> A perfect solution for me would be one query that allows me to search 
> through the tree and get to the node I want. Is that possible?
> Please respond even if I am unclear, I will appreciate literally any help 
> you can give me.

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