Hi Patrice

Thanks for the reply.
I've tried to specify my backend as dynamic and also resident. In both case 
the situation didn't change somehow app engine decide by itself for when to 
start my backends.

I'm starting my backends with connecting my backend servlet to  /_ah/start 
web service as much as I read from documentation it says /_ah/start starts 
when the instance is started.
And my backend servlet code is google's standard push notification code 
which you may find it in here:


Anyway I may change my backends to module but I don't know how. I'm using 
google eclipse plugin and I've created my project as google-> java web 
And as much as I can see java web application doesn't have support for 
ear(enterprise application) so is there any documentation to how to convert 
my java web application to enterprise application? And is it going to solve 
my problem ?

All I can see was the below documentation and it doesn't give the 
information that I need:


1 Eylül 2015 Salı 19:16:57 UTC+3 tarihinde Patrice (Cloud Platform Support) 
> Hi,
> Looking into the java Backend documentation 
> <https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/java/config/backends#About_backends>,
> this seems to be expected. If you don't specify your instance to be 
> dynamic, it is "resident", which means it needs to be manually started.
> You should not use backends anymore, but modules. I would suggest using a 
> Manually scaled module. 
> In any case, in your specific case, what is getting called to start your 
> worker? Do you do the call yourself, is it part of your application?
> Cheers
> On Monday, August 31, 2015 at 7:06:57 PM UTC-4, Tolga Tanrıverdi wrote:
>> I'm using google app engine for my IOS and Android application's server 
>> needs(Storing contents and datas for my applications) And I'm also using 
>> app engine to send push notifications to mobile clients. I'm using the 
>> below library to send push notifications:
>> https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/solutions-ios-push-notification-sample-backend-java
>> But when I integrate the above library to my code and deploy it to my 
>> google app engine account.GAE shows that there are backends in the code but 
>> it doesn't deploy it to any instances. [image: GAE Frontend & Backend 
>> Instance Deployments] <http://i.stack.imgur.com/CAcdo.png>
>> But after sometimes (after 2-3 hours) it automatically deploys the worker 
>> backend to 1 instance and then it starts to work and deliver 
>> notifications.But this is unaccaptable for me
>> So what I want is,my worker backend to start working immediately with the 
>> frontend instance and shutdown immediately with the frontend.(So it 
>> shouldn't work 7/24 ) Do you know why it may happen? Am I missing something.
>> You can find my app engine xml files below: *AppEngine-Web XML:*
>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
>> <appengine-web-app xmlns="http://appengine.google.com/ns/1.0";>
>> <application>tokyo-analyst-845</application>
>> <version>1</version>
>> <threadsafe>true</threadsafe>
>> <sessions-enabled>true</sessions-enabled>
>> <system-properties>
>> <property name="java.util.logging.config.file" 
>> value="WEB-INF/logging.properties"/>
>> </system-properties>
>> <use-google-connector-j>true</use-google-connector-j>
>> </appengine-web-app>
>> *Backends.XML:*
>> <backends>
>>   <backend name="worker">
>>   </backend>
>> *Queue.XML:*
>> <queue-entries>
>>   <queue>
>>     <name>notification-preprocessing</name>
>>     <rate>200/s</rate>
>>     <bucket-size>100</bucket-size>
>>   </queue>
>>   <queue>
>>     <name>notification-delivery</name>
>>     <mode>pull</mode>
>>   </queue>
>>   <queue>
>>     <name>notification-device-token-cleanup</name>
>>     <rate>10/s</rate>
>>     <bucket-size>20</bucket-size>
>>     <target>default</target>
>>   </queue>
>> </queue-entries>
>> *Web.XML:*
>>   <servlet-mapping>
>>      <servlet-name>spring</servlet-name>
>>      <url-pattern>/</url-pattern>
>>   </servlet-mapping>
>>   <context-param>
>>      <param-name>contextConfigLocation</param-name>
>>      <param-value>
>>         /WEB-INF/spring-servlet.xml
>>      </param-value>
>>   </context-param>
>>   <listener>
>>      <listener-class>
>>         org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener
>>      </listener-class>
>>   </listener>
>> <servlet>
>>   <servlet-name>PushNotificationWorkerServlet</servlet-name>
>> <servlet-class>com.finarapp.pn.controller.PushNotificationWorkerServlet</servlet-class>
>> </servlet>
>> <servlet-mapping>
>>   <servlet-name>PushNotificationWorkerServlet</servlet-name>
>>   <url-pattern>/_ah/start</url-pattern>
>> </servlet-mapping>
>> <servlet>
>>   <servlet-name>PushPreProcessingServlet</servlet-name>
>> <servlet-class>com.finarapp.pn.controller.PushPreProcessingServlet</servlet-class>
>> </servlet>
>> <servlet-mapping>
>>   <servlet-name>PushPreProcessingServlet</servlet-name>
>>   <url-pattern>/admin/push/preprocessing</url-pattern>
>> </servlet-mapping>
>> Thanks

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