Thank You Nick for comprehensive answer.

Using VMs I exclude, because of inadequate billing conditions, for such 
machine simple task as is keeping database connection. Also Beta state of 
VMs and placing only in US is not suitable.

Using coroutine was experiment if code in it can satisfy GAE rules. It is 
function, but only on development server.

I also tried downgrade PyMongo driver.  Here are thle 
list: and 
More then 10 versions from 2.2 to 3.0.3 I examine. Version 2.9 contain 
depricated method pymongo.Connection()  which is without threads.  Version 
2.8.1 also can comunicate with MongoDB >3  and use new authetication 
mechanism SCRAM-SHA-1.  But every versions under 3.0  had some issues. 

I was testing txmongo and also another drivers mentioned here and 

I was also testing gevent with greenlets as replacement for Threads.  Here 
is nice solution, 2 line 
but unfortunately I don´t find how use that patch on production server. And 
I don´t know if greenlets will be non-blocking on GAE.

Nick, You don't mention backend module.

I can run backend module with open connection, but I don't  know, how to 
deliver handler to frontend. Is the Multitenancy ( ) 
and shared namespaces the way how to do in frontend something like:  DBCONN 
= backend_process_give_me("DBCONN") ?
Or even backend module even with background threads cannot be used for 
holding open connection?  Really, really?
Here is writen: Code running on a backend can start a background thread, a 
thread that can "outlive" the request that spawns it.

And what about Pulled Task Queue which can live after request. Can task 
hold open connection and give it to back to frontend?
Can one task, on the end of it life, create a new one task and pass open 
connection to the new one task?
It is possible to transfer handler of open connection from task to frontend?

Expect, that exist many solutions, also in GAE, how to keep open MongoDB 
connection, because it is nonsense to open connection in every request.
How this task solve the others?
All of them use VMs? 
Do they hack Pymongo? Where I can find their patch?
They are using another driver? Which one?
Hope I'am not the only one in such situation.

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