Can you show us what the handlers section of your yaml looks like for the 
non-working module?

On Thursday, November 12, 2015 at 12:42:42 PM UTC-5, Paul Canning wrote:
> I have a CI app and I am trying to get Push Tasks to work.
> I have a controller, controller_a, with a method, method_a, which tells 
> GAE to add a task to the queue, to hit controller_a/method_b, with a basic 
> payload. Method_b simply writes a file to GCS (using verified working code).
> Now, my tasks appear, but always return as a 302 response. Method_a is 
> fully accessible, checking the logs shows a 200 response.
> I can even actually go to controller_a/method_b and see a 200 response in 
> the logs (obv. the POST data is missing).
> Now, this is where it gets weird. I made a full fresh install of CI and 
> made a basic task example, as above.
> It works. 100%. I put in on a new module, and even made a new, non-default 
> version to check. And it always works.
> Below are the responses I got from the working and non-working tasks.
> I simply cannot figure out for the life of me whats wrong.
> Both CI installs are the same version, 2.2.6.
> The non-working one *does* have additional CI routes and URL handlers in 
> the app.yaml, but none that go near the task methods.
> *Working:*
> - - [12/Nov/2015:08:44:22 -0800] "POST /tasks/test HTTP/1.1" 200 
> 25 "AppEngine-Google; (+
>" "" ms=623 
> cpu_ms=111 cpm_usd=2.7929999999999998e-06 
> instance=00c61b117c97eae25cc3ab600a819360a37cb04b app_engine_release=1.9.29 
> trace_id=-
> - - [12/Nov/2015:09:09:19 -0800] "POST /tasks/test HTTP/1.1" 200 
> 25 "AppEngine-Google; (+
>" "" ms=645 
> cpu_ms=107 cpm_usd=2.7929999999999998e-06 
> instance=00c61b117c91285c5c7991b03cfef45e55459cf8 app_engine_release=1.9.29 
> trace_id=-
> *Non- Working:*
> - - [12/Nov/2015:09:00:48 -0800] "POST /cleanup/task HTTP/1.1" 302 
> 563 "AppEngine-Google; (+
>" "" ms=31 
> cpu_ms=35 cpm_usd=6.292e-05 instance=00c61b117ce404978751535a24ad4d36a6c8c4 
> app_engine_release=1.9.29 trace_id=5641c0ed69cda78c99e147d41f7aae05

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